Thursday, December 10, 2015

We have moved!

Hi all, this blog is no longer active, and has been moved to
Please visit us there instead. (:

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Linky resources: NASA Astronomy Photo of the Day

Feeling the blog bite as I've been working on a school assignment on maintaining a pollution blog. That's one tough assignment, because it has always been hard for me to stay consistent in my blogging. It's a lack of support maybe?

Anyway, today's post is to introduce you to the wonderful resources from NASA Astronomy Photo of the Day! Galaxy/universe is quite popular nowadays, and this is a wonderful resource for use in the craft room because NASA makes available these pictures for use by the public - which includes commercial use as well. More information can be found here.

The NASA releases a photo everyday, so make sure you check back often to see new images! You can look through past photos too to find one that you like. Or you can do what I do, and set that as your home page, getting welcomed by a new awesome photo each time you open your browser. Enjoy!